Your Most Valuable Asset in 2025

It's that time again - a brand new year.  It's always struck me as odd that we have to think about goals and resolutions immediately after the holidays - when most of us could use a rest from planning, thinking, and doing.


I wanted to offer a different perspective on goals and resolutions. Goals  are important - it's been proven over and over again that setting a goal makes it more likely that you will accomplish what you set out to do.  Before you set the goal, however, consider thinking about your most valuable and precious asset - your time.


Again, setting goals is a great thing to do.  Sometimes, though, we set goals without thinking about the fact that we need resources to achieve those goals.  Those resources can be tangible or intangible (financial, emotional, physical, etc.) but the resource we often neglect to measure and consider when setting goals is our time.


I'd like to invite you to try something different this year:


--> First, look at your calendar and write down your inflexible commitments.  This is time that you have to spend getting certain things done and that is not flexible; it can't be moved around on your calendar.  For example, for most of us work is non-flexible time.  We have to be at work (virtually or in person) a certain amount of time during the week.  Time spent care-taking is often inflexible.


--> Second, write down your flexible commitments.  If you have a flexible work environment, you may be able to move some of that time around.  Or, perhaps you've committed to a running club, a book club, a class, etc. This is time that you've committed - and that you likely want to stay committed to, but that could be rearranged if necessary.


--> Third, see what you have left.  Where do you have blocks of time?  Is there anything you'd be willing to move around to get a larger block of time on your calendar?  Is it early mornings, evenings, weekends, or late at night (if you're a night owl).


--> Finally, think about what you want to do with that time. Ask yourself: What do I want to dedicate that time to?  Is it a new hobby?  Exercise? Connection with family and friends?  Perhaps you want to dedicate that time to rest or recharge?


Remember, last year we talked about importance of  thinking small to make big things happen, and the need to envision not only  success, but also setbacks.


This year, after looking at my calendar, I've decided not to add a single goal to my list for 2025.  I'll continue to work on goals I set out for myself in 2024 because there is simply no room to add anything else to my calendar, unless I remove time to rest and recharge (which I need).  Between work, family, and other commitments I've made, my plate is full enough. Adding more to my calendar risks my ability to do the things I've committed to well, and that I care about - and as someone who believes deeply in growth mindset, I recognize the importance of prioritizing to avoid diminishing returns.


OK, enough about me.  It's YOUR turn - what do you plan to do with your time this year?  


Thinking on Your Feet